

Radiology is among the fastest developing medical branches. Due to the rapid technological progress, today we use digital radiological methods supplemented by programs that enable dynamic, functional, and metabolic imaging and 3D view. Both radiologists and other medical doctors in Croatia are still quite unacquainted with dental radiology. The analysis od dental X-rays is done mostly by dental medicine doctors alone. Dental radiology accounts for 25% of all radiological examinations in Croatia. Dozens of dental radiology textbooks have been published worldwide. The reason for writing this textbook, in collaboration with other teachers at the School od Dental Medicine was the wish and obligation of the Department of General and Dental radiology, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, to provide undergraduate and postgraduate students, dental medicine doctors, and other medical professionals an access to contemporary radiological knowledge.
Datum dostave: 3-5 dana

Autor/i: Ivan Krolo i Dijana Zadravec

Autor/i: Ivan Krolo i Dijana Zadravec

Podaci o proizvodu
autori Ivan Krolo
autori Dijana Zadravec
Godina izdanja 2020.
ISBN 978-953-176-935-8
Opseg 346 str.
Težina 1000 g
Format 17 x 24 cm
Uvez tvrdi
Opišite svoje dojmove
  • Samo registrirani korisnici mogu pisati recenzije
  • Loš
  • Odličan
Podaci o proizvodu
autori Ivan Krolo
autori Dijana Zadravec
Godina izdanja 2020.
ISBN 978-953-176-935-8
Opseg 346 str.
Težina 1000 g
Format 17 x 24 cm
Uvez tvrdi
Ključne riječi proizvoda
Uz ovaj proizvod kupci su kupili


Materials are substances that have mass and occupy space. They can be classified into several categories according to different criteria such as origin, structure, type, properties or application. Natural materials such as stone and wood are found in nature, while synthetic materials such as polymers and composites are produced. Materials are applied to almost all branches of human activity. Therefore, they are the subject of interest of many professionals. Their application and importance to dental medicine is great.


Novi, i zasad jedini hrvatski udžbenik za medicinske škole iz ovog područja pruža korisne temelje i znanja o problematici morfološko-anatomskih osobitosti usne šupljine i zubi sa somatoprotetskog aspekta.
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