

for students of medicine and dental medicine

"Handbook of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology, and Intensive Care Medicine for students of medicine and dental medicine edited by professors Alan Šustić and Vlatka Sotošek, is a quality textbook that covers all important areas of interest in modern anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care. In the first part, the authors deal in detailed and concise manner with the field of anesthesiology including preoperative preparation and postoperative care, general and special anesthesia, regional anesthesia technique, and all important grups of drugs used in modern anesthesiological practice. The second part of the textbook describes in detail the procedures of basic and advanced life support as well as resuscitation of a poly traumatized patient, while the third part exhaustively covers the area of intensive care medicine in all important segments."
Datum dostave: 3-5 dana

"Handbook of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology, and Intensive Care Medicine for students of medicine and dental medicine edited by professors Alan Šustić and Vlatka Sotošek, is a quality textbook that covers all important areas of interest in modern anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care. In the first part, the authors deal in detailed and concise manner with the field of anesthesiology including preoperative preparation and postoperative care, general and special anesthesia, regional anesthesia technique, and all important grups of drugs used in modern anesthesiological practice. The second part of the textbook describes in detail the procedures of basic and advanced life support as well as resuscitation of a poly traumatized patient, while the third part exhaustively covers the area of intensive care medicine in all important segments."

"Handbook of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology, and Intensive Care Medicine for students of medicine and dental medicine edited by professors Alan Šustić and Vlatka Sotošek, is a quality textbook that covers all important areas of interest in modern anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care. In the first part, the authors deal in detailed and concise manner with the field of anesthesiology including preoperative preparation and postoperative care, general and special anesthesia, regional anesthesia technique, and all important grups of drugs used in modern anesthesiological practice. The second part of the textbook describes in detail the procedures of basic and advanced life support as well as resuscitation of a poly traumatized patient, while the third part exhaustively covers the area of intensive care medicine in all important segments."

Podaci o proizvodu
autori Alan Šustić
autori Vlatka Sotošek
Godina izdanja 2021.
ISBN 978-953-176-982-2
Opseg 220 str
Težina 0,460
Format 17 x 24
Uvez meki
Podnaslov for students of medicine and dental medicine
Opišite svoje dojmove
  • Samo registrirani korisnici mogu pisati recenzije
  • Loš
  • Odličan
Podaci o proizvodu
autori Alan Šustić
autori Vlatka Sotošek
Godina izdanja 2021.
ISBN 978-953-176-982-2
Opseg 220 str
Težina 0,460
Format 17 x 24
Uvez meki
Podnaslov for students of medicine and dental medicine
Ključne riječi proizvoda
Uz ovaj proizvod kupci su kupili


Pedijatrijska anesteziologija je najljepši dio anesteziologije. Vrlo zahtjevan, ponekad zaista težak, ali sve uloženo u liječenje djece, višestruko se vraća. Ipak da bi se njome uspješno bavili, morate sačuvati dijete u sebi. Urednica prof. Dušica M. Simić željela je da knjiga ima praktični aspekt, te je zahvalna autorima na velikom trudu uloženom u pisanje i prilagođavanje poglavlja najnovijim saznanjima sa tog područja. Urednica se nada da će knjiga pomoći u svladavanju svih potencijalnih prepreka i strahova u primjeni dječje anestezije.


Nedvojbeno orginalno i jedinstveno djelo u kojem se isprepliće enormno i sveobuhvatno pedijatrijsko znanje i znanje iz područja hitne i intenzivne medicine "začinjeno" dugogodišnjim i bogatim stručnim iskustvom i oplemenjeno jedinstvenim, neposrednim stilom. Sva su poglavlja predočena orginalno, jednostavno i istovremeno na koristan informativan način, kako samo izvanredno obrazovani i izvanserijski talentirani medicinski profesionalci velika kliničkog iskustva mogu učiniti.


Antimikrobni lijekovi ili antibiotici najpropisivaniji su lijekovi današnjice. Čak 90 % ukupno propisanih antimikrobnih lijekova propisuje se u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti (PZZ), i to najčešće za liječenje infekcija gornjeg dijela dišnog sustava. Te su infekcije uglavnom virusne, pa liječenje antibioticima nije potrebno jer ne mogu skratiti trajanje bolesti i neće spriječiti mogući nastanak komplikacija. Upravo je to jedan od primjera pogrešne primjene antibiotika što znatno pridonosi razvoju otpornosti bakterija, mogućnosti nastanka nuspojava lijekova i povećanju troškova liječenja. Svakom neopravdanom primjenom antibiotika nanosimo štetu ne samo bolesniku nego i sebi, svojim bližnjima i cijeloj zajednici.
Tečaj €/kn:   7,53450