

Tales of the War, Illustrated by Vasko Lipovac

Many books have been written about war, maybe just as many as love. “Do Angels Cry?” takes a standpoint of a learned man who wittnessed the war that ravaged his country in the last decade of the 20th century.
Datum dostave: 3-5 dana

Many books have been written about war, maybe just as many as love. “Do Angels Cry?” takes a standpoint of a learned man who wittnessed the war that ravaged his country in the last decade of the 20th century. What does and what can an intellectual do in war? What can a 45-year-old man contribute to the defense of his homeland? When, and if at all, should the country be put before the family? In this witty, humorous, and above all affectionate collection of war stories, Marušić catches the feelings from the periphery of war events - growing concern for ones own family, patriotic emotions in conflict with everyday duties, short encounters with the warriors, battle stories heard, victories dreamt about, and defeats mourned. The subtle amalgam of events, feelings, humor, and patriotism depicts the 1991-1995 homeland war in Croatia. Like war itself, this book expresses laughter and tears, fear and courage, tragedy and exultation, absurdity and reason. Hatred is the only feeling absent from the book: Marušić fights the war with love only. Croatian version of the book: Plaču li anđeli?

Autor/i: Matko Marušić
Podnaslov: Tales of the War, Illustrated by Vasko Lipovac

Many books have been written about war, maybe just as many as love. “Do Angels Cry?” takes a standpoint of a learned man who wittnessed the war that ravaged his country in the last decade of the 20th century. What does and what can an intellectual do in war? What can a 45-year-old man contribute to the defense of his homeland? When, and if at all, should the country be put before the family? In this witty, humorous, and above all affectionate collection of war stories, Marušić catches the feelings from the periphery of war events - growing concern for ones own family, patriotic emotions in conflict with everyday duties, short encounters with the warriors, battle stories heard, victories dreamt about, and defeats mourned. The subtle amalgam of events, feelings, humor, and patriotism depicts the 1991-1995 homeland war in Croatia. Like war itself, this book expresses laughter and tears, fear and courage, tragedy and exultation, absurdity and reason. Hatred is the only feeling absent from the book: Marušić fights the war with love only. Croatian version of the book: Plaču li anđeli?

Autor/i: Matko Marušić
Podnaslov: Tales of the War, Illustrated by Vasko Lipovac

Podaci o proizvodu
autori Matko Marušić
Godina izdanja 2002.
ISBN 953-176-188-4
Opseg 134 str.
Težina 420 g
Format 17 × 24 cm
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Podnaslov Tales of the War, Illustrated by Vasko Lipovac
Podaci o proizvodu
autori Matko Marušić
Godina izdanja 2002.
ISBN 953-176-188-4
Opseg 134 str.
Težina 420 g
Format 17 × 24 cm
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Podnaslov Tales of the War, Illustrated by Vasko Lipovac
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Kao da se jedna drevna grčka poslovica potvrđuje i na ovoj knjizi. Kaže se: velika knjiga, veliko zlo. Naime, koliko god je Metafizika velika knjiga, ona je i takvo zlo, i to barem dvjema stranama: čitateljima izvornika i prevoditeljima. A ne bilo da bi takva bila i čitateljstvu prethodnoga prijevoda! U čemu je ta veličina koja je veliko zlo? Ona zacijelo nije u broju stranica, niti riječi, jer oko tri stotine stranica knjige, s ukupnim brojem od nekih devedeset tisuća riječi, i nije neka knjižurina. Takav brojidbeni ili tvarni podatak, bio manji ili veći, ne otkriva ništa bitno ni o veličini ni o teškoći dotične knjige, budući da te i nisu aristotelovskoj "kolikoći" nego u "kakvoći".


War memories of physician who served as Head of Medical Corps of the 4th Guardian ( Split) brigade, 1991-1995. This elite brigade fought under most difficult circumstances, mostly at southern Croatian battlelines.
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