
Development of psychotherapy in Croatia

from the beginning until 2018

This is a reference work with original contribution, a monograph on historical data on the beginning and development of psychotherapy as a profession in Croatia. The author has put a tremendous effort in collecting the data and writing this text, providing us with extensive information about all registered psychotherapeutic approaches in our country and how they gradually appeared.
Datum dostave: 3-5 dana

This is a reference work with original contribution, a monograph on historical data on the beginning and development of psychotherapy as a profession in Croatia. The author has put a tremendous effort in collecting the data and writing this text, providing us with extensive information about all registered psychotherapeutic approaches in our country and how they gradually appeared.

The author looks back to the beginnings of psychotherapy before the Second World War and documents the institutional development of psychotherapy, which began after the Second World War, in great detail. The status of psychotherapy during the Homeland War and the post-war period with the emergence of psychotherapeutic societies is given a special attention, as well as the creation of an umbrella psychotherapeutic association. The last chapter is dedicated to the possibilities of further development of psychotherapy in Croatia and the possibilities of research in psychotherapy and the creation of the identity of psychotherapists. Ljiljana Moro, 

The work of the author represents the only extensive full summary of the development of psychotherapy in Croatia in English language to date. It gives a meta-perspective of the establishment and development of psychotherapy in Croatia over the years. The author has told the story through expert interviews complemented with archival research.

The work can serve as a starting point not only for the studies exploring the development and future direction of individual schools of psychotherapy in Croatia, but also for evaluating the context in neighbouring countries.


Prof. Alfred Pritz

This is a reference work with original contribution, a monograph on historical data on the beginning and development of psychotherapy as a profession in Croatia. The author has put a tremendous effort in collecting the data and writing this text, providing us with extensive information about all registered psychotherapeutic approaches in our country and how they gradually appeared.

The author looks back to the beginnings of psychotherapy before the Second World War and documents the institutional development of psychotherapy, which began after the Second World War, in great detail. The status of psychotherapy during the Homeland War and the post-war period with the emergence of psychotherapeutic societies is given a special attention, as well as the creation of an umbrella psychotherapeutic association. The last chapter is dedicated to the possibilities of further development of psychotherapy in Croatia and the possibilities of research in psychotherapy and the creation of the identity of psychotherapists. Ljiljana Moro, 

The work of the author represents the only extensive full summary of the development of psychotherapy in Croatia in English language to date. It gives a meta-perspective of the establishment and development of psychotherapy in Croatia over the years. The author has told the story through expert interviews complemented with archival research.

The work can serve as a starting point not only for the studies exploring the development and future direction of individual schools of psychotherapy in Croatia, but also for evaluating the context in neighbouring countries.


Prof. Alfred Pritz

Podaci o proizvodu
autori Tamara Prevendar
Godina izdanja 2021.
ISBN 978-953-176-917-4
Opseg 270 str.
Težina 660 g
Format 21 x 27 cm
Uvez meki
Podnaslov from the beginning until 2018
Opišite svoje dojmove
  • Samo registrirani korisnici mogu pisati recenzije
  • Loš
  • Odličan
Podaci o proizvodu
autori Tamara Prevendar
Godina izdanja 2021.
ISBN 978-953-176-917-4
Opseg 270 str.
Težina 660 g
Format 21 x 27 cm
Uvez meki
Podnaslov from the beginning until 2018
Ključne riječi proizvoda
Uz ovaj proizvod kupci su kupili


Knjiga je pisana stručnim, ali jednostavnim i razumljivim jezikom, s nizom praktičnih primjera, usporedbi (autić koji ide cestom) i opisa koji plastično prikazuju panični poremećaj i anksioznost uopće. Od ove knjige imat će koristi i laik i stručnjak iz područja zaštite duševnog zdravlja kojemu nije bliska KBT, ali i kognitivno-bihevioralni terapeut. Demistificiranje paničnog poremećaja, ali i psihoterapije, prvi je korak u destigmatizaciji psihičkog simptoma, poremećaja i bolesti, kao i u psihoedukaciji, što je dodatna vrijednost ove knjige. Ona će se zasigurno često listati, čitati i citirati.


Ova knjiga ponudila je stručne i znanstvene spoznaje psihologije kao struke u formi vodiča za bolje samorazumijevanje doživljavanja i ponašanja. Razumjeti vlastito (i tuđe) doživljavanje i ponašanje ključno je kako bismo prepoznali i odstupanja od uobičajenog, rekli bismo normalnog funkcioniranja, i u skladu s time poduzeti odgovarajuće korake kako bismo spriječili (ili barem ublažili) možebitne psihičke (mentalne) teškoće, pa i bolesti.


Poznavanje lijekova temelj je svakog dobrog liječenja u psihijatriji, a ovim udžbenikom autorice su nastojale objasniti ne samo kako i gdje lijek djeluje, nego i kako i u kojim bolestima primijeniti određene lijekove. Udžbenik jasno i sažeto daje pregled suvremene farmakologije. Sadržava 11 poglavlja. U tri uvodna poglavlja opisana su načela farmakodinamike, farmakokinetike i praćenja koncentracije psihofarmaka. Potom su opisani anksiolitici i hipnotici, antidepresivi, antipsihotici, stabilizatori raspoloženja, antidementivi, lijekovi za liječenje ovisnosti, psihostimulansi... Na kraju se nalazi sažetak uputa za primjenu psihofarmaka kod različitih psihijatrijskih i neuroloških poremećaja, te kod starijih osoba i u trudnoći i dojenju.
Tečaj €/kn:   7,53450